A look at where and how students fail when trying to enter Cengage products. A new login flow and dashboard were designed for a more streamlined experience.
Opioids in the Workplace
A PainFree service was designed to incentivize employers to introduce an opioid addiction prevention program as apart of their employee on-boarding process.
Helen’s Calendar
A web application was designed for Helen, a woman who is legally blind, because other scheduling apps did not accommodate her needs or preferences.
PlannOut Restaurant Station
A proposed restaurant flow for fast casual dining that retains human-human interaction but is improved by an iPad/tablet experience for planning out orders before entering the build your own line.
Flipboard Redesign
A self-guided project motivated by confusion and frustration with the Flipboard app- a "how would I do this differently" experiment.
Messenger Redesign
My pilot project in UX to see how research, paper prototypes, and usability testing could inform an improved Messenger experience.